"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything through prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Early Christmas Present

Christmas is such a special time of year. It is mostly about celebration - celebrating the birth of Christ! And when all is said and done that is what it is all about. Gift giving was done way back then too. The Wise Men brought some very precious gifts to Jesus. Somehow from that we have made Christmas into one of the biggest occasions of the year for our economy. It dictates or is a factor in determining whether our economy is going well.

Most of us grow wiser or the importance of things change as we add years to our life. I am experiencing that. I can remember as a child that Christmas was all about Santa - now don't get me wrong - he is a pretty neat guy! However, I think I could count on one hand the gifts I received from Santa that I would consider being "the best gift ever".

The Wise Men did not spend a lot of money on their gifts to Jesus. Yes, in many aspects they were valuable gifts but I don't imagine they spent a lot of time shopping or asking for a list of things that Jesus needed. These gifts came from the heart and they traveled a very long way to give them and they did not expect anything in return.

I received one of those kinds of gifts today. My sister and daddy drove from Macon to spend the day with me and Charlie. It was so special. We braved the cold weather that set in this morning to take a ride in the golf cart. We were pulling out gloves and scarves and coats to bundle everybody up so we could see some things we had done on our farm.

Then it was back to the house for lunch - chicken salad, pasta salad, pear halves with cheese and banana pudding for dessert and add to that some coffee and sweet conversation around our table.

So I received an early Christmas present - just like the Wise Men they took time out of their day to spend time with us, it didn't cost them anything, it was more precious than gold, it came from the heart and they did not expect anything in return.

I don't think I will forget this gift for a long time.

My Daddy and Sister - Getting ready for the ride!

Here we go! Brrrrr!

Lunch - Mmm, Mmmmm

Sisters :-)

How Special!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love it! Looks like so much fun.

  2. That is really too precious Pam! You really have got it spot on regarding the importance of Christmas and family!
    Thank you for also leaving a lovely comment on my blog today. I just stumbled across you and your creations on the Hero Arts Flickr group today, so I will be doing some reading of your past posts in the next few days. Take care.
