I shared earlier that as a part of my "Lent" I chose to "give" not "give up" something. As part of my giving I am reading the book of Romans and Acts during Lent. For whatever reason, I am reading Romans first and then Acts. That may sound crazy but that's just what God told me to do. Today I read Romans 13 and I have to admit it has been more difficult to get my thoughts together on this. This is what God shared with me this morning.
I live to honor Him. I will have to give account to Him for my actions - not someone else's actions. Does that mean I shouldn't care about what others are doing? Absolutely not! But I am not called to judge them. Romans 13:17-18 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Notice the order of that: pleasing to God, approved by men.
I do not need to put myself in situations where I know that I might be tempted to do something that I should not do. Bottom line: Can I participate in a certain activity without sinning? Will I be influenced negatively by participating? I have shared an example many times that one of my former students shared in class one day (yes, in class). If I am standing in a chair and you are standing on the floor, is it easier for me to pull you up or for you to pull me down? That is what I need to ask myself when I am questioning my activities especially when I know my weaknesses, my temptations.
I must know my strengths and weaknesses as I go and serve God. I am to be strong in my faith and sensitive to others without sacrificing my freedom in Christ. Yes, very hard to do at times. I am weak and yes, He is strong and He gives me knowledge to discern how best to serve Him.
I am first and foremost accountable to God.
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago
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